Realidad Virtual desde la secundaria
- Realidad Virtual desde Secundaria
- Estado del Arte
- Objetivos
- Apps
- Talleres de Realidad Virtual
- Resultados
- Ayudas
- Crear Rutas
- Crear Realidad Virtual
- Unity
- Cospaces
- Introduction Cospaces
- JavaScript
- 1 Create items from own lybrarie
- 2 Pass time sequence
- 3 OnHover two Scenes
- 4 setPosition Item
- 5 Move Linear
- 6 MoveToItem
- 7 setPositionAngle
- 8 Rotate Items Two Ways
- 9 onHover two scenes
- 10 Random
- 11 Chronometre
- 12 Full Navegation Scenes
- 13 Coordinates Axis X, Y and Z
- 14 North, South, East and West
- 15 Cospaces: Rotate Items Clockwise Counterclockwise
- 16 setPositionAngle Direction 0/90/180/270º
- 17 Rotate Position 360º
- 18 Rotate 360º First Part
- 19 Rotate 360 Second Part
- 20 Spiral Colors
- 21 Spiral
- 22 the item talk
- 22 the Items Say
- 23 Navigation Scenes by time
- 27 Appear and Disappear
- 28 Rotate Photosphere
- 29 Movement 360
- 30 Appear Disappear in group
- 31 Rotate 10 Items
- 32 Roate camera 360º onstage Items
- 33 Rotate Photosphere Steps and Speed Controled
- 34 A Position Onstage
- 34 B Position in a photosphere with radiants
- 35 Create Posters
- 35 B Posters in a photosphere
- 40 Create Cylinders onstage
- 40 b Position elements with cylinders
- 40 c Items rotating cylinders
- 44 Logo Photospheres with Photoshop
- 45 Logo Photospheres in Cospaces
- 50 2 Sounds 2 Pictures 2 Scenes
- 51 Navegation Scenes with Sounds and Photospheres
- 53 Sound onHover 2 items
- 54 Sounds Button Stop Sound
- 57 onHover appear items with sounds
- 58 Sounds: 4 sounds onHover
- 60 Sounds Exemple onHover 19 Sounds
- 61 Similar 60 with Arrays
- Template 1_1
- Template 1_2
- Template. How it works
- Template 5 Scenes
- Blockly
- Aparatos
- Extensión para Chrome
- Sketchlab
- Comunidades de Google+
- Google Expeditions Pioneer
- Revista Educación 3.0
- Jornadas Aumentame
- Personas referentes
- Fichas Apps
Apps para Theta S
App que permite ediatr las fotos esfericas creando Tiny Planets
App que permite editar los videos 360
Se pueden conseguir efectos Tiny Planet con los vídeos
Obra publicada con Licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0